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Monday, July 11, 2011

Free Slurpee Day

As you probably do or don't know, today is free Slurpee day at most (if not all) 7/11 stores. Why? Because as you probably do or don't know, today is 7/11. Don't worry, it took me a while to get the joke. Of course you can only get a small cup for free and not a regular size, but a Slurpee is a Slurpee no matter how small and nonetheless I got a sugar rush.

I am feeling nauseous, and dizzy. I feel blood rushing to the top of my head, and I'm not even upside down. Was it that Slurpee? No! It was.... WRITER'S BLOCK!!!!!

Lets see, what to write, what to write, what to write... I wonder if I should just make up something, since it's not like you could tell if I'm lying or not.

It was 8:42 a.m, and I just woke up. I slept a little later then usual last night since I stayed up so late fighting off evil ninja cats. My fists were sore, but I couldn't let that disrupt my daily training. Sweat was pouring down my scowling face as I hit the punching bag over, and over again. Once one of my knuckles fell off, I decided that I was done with training. I sat down to eat, when suddenly...

nah. That's not even remotely realistic, but entertaining. I bet I could get some real attention on the internet with this kind of stuff (light bulb). Another thing that would probably make this blog more popular is if I stopped thinking out loud.

Thank you for reading this post, and if you don't think you want to visit the blog again I will leave you with a cliff hanger...

Some of my future posts, due to lack of good real life material, will be made up and hopefully more interesting. (but don't get your hopes up too high please)

But remember this is Just a Blog and you are Just a Person, unless you follow this blog then you are AWESOME!!!


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