just some stats

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hey fellow followers! I need business, cash, money, the dough, whatever you want to call it! I'm selling some t-shirts and even if you don't want to spend five to the most of ten dollars for a t-shirt because of the hard times then you could just donate one dollar as a tip. I don't want money for my pockets 'cause that's going to charity (I'm still looking for one, it's not official yet), but I need money to make up for the amount that I spend on getting the t-shirts etc. If you want to buy a T-shirt then email me at thomasmagnuson@gmail.com and say "I wanna T-shirt, what do ya' got?" and I will try to give you pictures of my products. Anyways, right now I will only be selling through mailing the Tees to you because I am way too busy to sell them in front of my house. More posts about Threads will come soon...

*End of Message*

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