Now that I am done whining to you about my problems, let me here yours! Unfortunately, I don't care. Even if I did, I can't even here you. You can scream at the computer all you want, and the only thing you will accomplish is freaking out the neighbors.
Now that I am done whining about your problems (that I don't care about), I just want to let you know that I put up a new poll! It will be going on until April second. The question is simply, "what is your favorite thing?". The only thing is, I give you only five choices to chose from. Communist? Stop complaining.
Just make sure to participate, or I will have been the only one to vote. That's pretty embarrassing. Also, make sure to follow this blog. It's as easy as clicking on that shiny button that says FOLLOW, and signing in to your Google account. Another advantage is that I won't come after you in your sleep!
Well, thanks for looking at this post. I should come out with another one soon. And if you're lucky, there will actually be stuff worth looking at.