just some stats

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day/Children-enslaved Day

Now, I was kind of exaggerating about how children are technically slaves on fathers day. I did make a big breakfast for my dad with my little brother, along with a homemade card but I decided to do that by myself. I wonder how many kids in this world made breakfast for their fathers and how many were lazy? That makes me feel special (-: Anyways, I also put together a grill for my dad with my Step Mom. The thing that made this fathers day better than most was that my dad was at a church retreat for a couple of days so he came back late Saturday night so This day was the first I saw him since his retreat; also that we were going to have a cook-out! Are you going anywhere for summer break? Well, I'm not going anywhere out of my state so don't feel bad if you're not either. The farthest I might go is to my step mom's parent's lake house on Lake L.B.J. Other than that, I might be surprised with something like:
"Hey sweety! Guess what?"
"We're going on a big trip to the grocery store one minute away!
"OMG, I am most excited"
Yeah, so Have a great summer and become a follower! Just scroll down on my page till' you find something that has the name of Justsomefollowers. You can follow my blog and see all the add-ons that I do! But Don't get too excited because it's justablog.

C U L8R (I am not a text freak, in fact I don't know how to text!!)


Friday, June 19, 2009

Hey, I was bored so I made another post- The Manualist

I saw this YouTube video and I thought that this guy was pretty sweet; except for the fact of spending most of his life just to accomplish that. Anyways, watch the movie and enjoy! (I'll try to make new polls and movies to keep you Internet surfers occupied) For now on at the end of every post, I shall have a quote that summarizes the post (or at least a quote)

Peace out! -TDawg

quote: "Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment"
-Baltasar Gracian

My hair; a dwelling place

Hello again, it has been a long time since I last posted so I am very sorry about that (I don't even have the excuse of saying that I had schoolwork because it's summer!). So as you read in the parentheses, because some people don't read them, it's summer. The summer started out great! I had a cousin hang out with my younger brother and I for two weeks and that was sweet. We did many cool stuff, like hiking and biking, swimming, etc. Now that he's not watching us anymore we have to go to a summer camp )-: In my total opinion, I was never fond of summer camps no matter how FUN, or AWESOME FOR KIDS it was. The summer camp that I was going to go to was Faith Lutheran; a christian church (though we only did Christianity related stuff on Wednesdays). For the first two days, the camp was o.k, but once Wednesday struck my hair turned into a dwelling place. It all started when during lunch, Ms. Janet (don't ask) saw my little brother scratching a bunch during chapel (which was before lunch) so she checked him for lice and he had some. So you know that meant, I probably also had them. I got picked up early (from the my cousin who was watching over me for the last two weeks), and after finding out that I also had lice he left us home alone so he could get some cream, combs, etc. Once back, Paul (my cousin's name) put a whole bunch of the cream in my hair and then I took a shower. Once the whole treatment was done for me and my little brother he checked us both and we were golden- so he thought- the next day when dad picked us up from camp he checked my little brother and I again for lice, since he didn't believe that any old lice cream (ha! It sounds lice Ice Cream) could take out all the lice. He found some in both of our hair, and William had to get a haircut. I didn't have to only because I had to get a professional photo shoot with a lady in August; it was June. Anyways, so my Summer was ruined for that weekend because we weren't going to do any of the stuff that was planned. Moral of the post; WASH YOUR HAIR EVERY DAY!!!

See ya'!
