Now let's see, I want to tell you some baby stories (it's not that boring). One of them is I was born in Galveston, since I was born on a certain part of Galveston I'm called B.O.I which meant I was born on the island, I think that's pretty cool. My mom, dad, and I moved to Austin when I was about one and then my mom had my brother the next year. Then something awful happened, my grandpa died from a tractor accident, but I never figured that out until I was older. One thing that my parents remembered when I was a baby was that whenever mom or dad asked what time it was I would always say 8:42, and actually once I was right only because my mom asked me at 8:42. When we sold are house in Austin I was a toddler, and did not know that if a For Sail sign was in the ground it was in use so I tried pulling it out only to get a gash above my eye from the sharp edge of the sign. I was sent to the emergency room and turned out fine. I was a chubby baby, but as I got older I was normal. Oh yeah, thanks for taking your time in reading this post; just a post.